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A beautiful, optimistic, and insightful post. I see the uncanny valley as the bottom of the adaptation curve that comes with every new technology. First it dehumanizes us, and later, advances us, but only if we've guided it well.

For the I wonder if you'd be willing to do a footnote on occasion, or even a separate post some time, on the prompts you used for a few of these pictures. It might help others to create better Gen AI art. If you are talking to the AI to help craft any of these articles, I bet others would be curious to know some of your prompts there as well. Helping others to do better human-AI teaming is one of our great opportunities as futurists, I feel. With GPT 4.5 coming soon, the journey up the mountain will continue.

I am one who predicts that GAI won't arrive until the 2080s (see my Natural Alignment series on Substack). If my view on what is needed is correct, we'll have lots of time to get our AI teaming right. Not saying we will, there's lots of room for dystopias of various types, like the various ones we're living in today (climate, consumption, plutocracy, education, health care, war), but I have grounds for optimism because the Personal AI hasn't come yet. It too will have a very big adaptive valley to cross before it starts to help us climb the mountain. Thanks for this great work.

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